RPM Italian @ Downtown Chicago

RPM Italian is a high class restaurant with even higher quality ingredients. Some people may know celebrity personality, Giuliana Rancic and her husband Bill Rancic who own the restaurant and bar. This is one of those restaurants where the only way you can dine is if you make a reservation. When you walk into the dim lighted space with white sheer curtains seperating parts of the room you feel as if you are in a James Bond movie. All the staff are in white suits so table manners is a must at this place.

Once we sat down, I ordered Mama Depandi’s pasta and it was absolutely amazing as it was authentic. For dessert we order donuts, but not just any type of donuts but beignets. Do yourself a favor and order the beignets, you will thank me.

Check out the menu here!

Here are the famous beignet, or as I like to call it heavenly clouds…


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